Our Journey

As a business consultant and advisor, We have been moving from one project to another for the most part of my journey of a little over 5 years now.
We started off with sales as any millennial hustler would like to say, it was the month of April of the year 2015 ,Now for the purposes of this post we would say it was either a Friday or a Saturday but honestly it was a few years ago and I do not remember that bit quite well but we will always be grateful and motivated to work harder for the support our clients have shown us , we are forever grateful and we will serve you with the at most.


Our Mission

Facilitate solution co-creation through meaningful engagements



Every Engagement is a unique challenge requiring a unique experience

Our Approach


We diagnose to identify the problem


We design together using a  thinking model


We develop together through co-creation


We deliver through aligned engagements 


We learn through the feedback engagements 

Key Share Holders

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Satisfied Company Customers
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Passionate Employees of the Company
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Company Clients
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Sucessful Company Campaigns